Wednesday, March 3, 2010

a COOL family of women

This blog will be a little if not quite different than past ones because I do not know the names of the people I am blogging about but I think that's what also makes the story cool.

I spent yesterday in the hospital while my wife underwent surgery that will hopefully help us to have children in the near future, we were in there pretty early, 6:30am. Around 9:00am, after my wife was finally wheeled back into surgery, I ventured with my book, newspaper, and coffee out to a waiting area that offered a variety of seating options including huge rocking chairs which I eventually decided to settle into. The huge rocking chair that I chose was situated next to five women also waiting for a loved one in surgery. While they chatted amongst each other I consumed coffee and paged through the daily paper. Now, I don't want you to think that I was eavesdropping but I rather enjoyed their conversation that I could ultimately hear just because of my proximity to them.

Throughout the day they were humorous and serious depending on the topic they covered. They discussed many different areas of their lives and I know I shouldn't mention this but I joined in their conversation when I heard one of them ask the group who was going to be on this years Dancing With the Stars. Not hearing anyone respond I took my attention from my paper and politely added seven out of the eleven names I knew and apologised for not knowing the other four. This discussion quickly lead to discussing this years American Idol, something else I shouldn't mention, and our opinions on the singers and the judges. I don't watch either of these shows unless my wife is present with me, although I am not a fan of these shows it gives my wife and I quality time together as I take an interest in something she enjoys. I was glad that I had knowledge of these shows and was able to engage in conversation with these ladies.

The way this family of women talked amongst each other I could tell how much they loved, cared, and supported each other. I don't think they realized how much they were supporting me while I waited for my wife in surgery. Even though the surgery would be considered routine there were still some unknowns going in, as the doctors stated, and that can make for a rather nerve racking time while waiting. I felt a bond with these ladies as we continued to converse on and off throughout the day. I was comforted and relaxed as time seemed to slip away and we were both eventually given updates on our loved ones-good news for both I might add.

I never got any of these women's names as they never got mine either. We never properly introduced ourselves but there was never a need, there was a cool bond formed that didn't require proper names. I passed the group of ladies and saw them one last time as an orderly wheeled my wife down the hall to the elevator. I wished them well and a safe trip back to Erie, PA. It might sound sad or ignorant that names were never passed forward but I think that's what's cool, names were not important at the time as we all waited for news on our loved ones. I feel I came to know this family of women, not by knowing their names, but by knowing the common bond we shared.

I want to thank these women for supporting me through a difficult day by dedicating this blog to them, they were kind, funny, thoughtful, and most important-COOL! If they ever come across this blog I hope they will know who they are but I also want them to remember that I will deny ever talking about Dancing With the Stars or American Idol-LOL! Stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

Have you ever been in a situation where names were not exchanged but you formed a cool and common bond with someone?

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