Saturday, February 27, 2010

a COOL golden moment

I guess a COOLITICS blog wouldn't be complete without mentioning a cool moment at this years Winter Olympics. Even though this story has garnered national news and has been played out in front of millions watching this years games I thought it would be cool to be in the Olympic spirit.

Maria Riesch of Germany won two gold medals during this Olympics including one in the slalom this past Friday. Instead of immediately celebrating and enjoying her moment she took the time to console her sister, Suzanne, who had crashed in the same event thus ruining her chances of medaling.

I know people watching this act of selflessness probably thought how nice, generous, loving, and caring Maria was being towards her sister, which she most certainly was, but I wonder how many people thought how COOL she was. This is what COOLITICS is all about and there is nothing better than seeing acts of such coolness being displayed in front of millions.

I know this Olympics has seen its share of negative displays of celebrating wins and accepting losses which also gets played out in front of the millions watching, that's why it is so cool to see individuals like Maria Riesch thinking of someone else, especially when that someone else is her sister. There is nothing wrong with having a fiery, competitive spirit, partaking in civil sibling rivalry, but there is nothing cooler then realizing that while there is jubilation in one's own victory there is also misery in some one's defeat. Winning, as well as losing, can bring out the worst in all of us but while savoring our victory it is cool to remain humble and remember that one day the victor may one day be looking down on us from his/her podium while we wish we would have been more graceful during our time up there.

Here's to you Maria, you inspire during victory and defeat-stay positive, stay generous, and stay cool!

Do you know of someone that was cool during a monumental victory or a humbling defeat?

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