Tuesday, February 23, 2010


The Thrift Shop performing at Durst Family Fundraiser

Jon Fisher on stage at Durst Family Fundraiser

Just want to give kudos to Jon Fisher and those that helped to put on a really cool fundraiser event for the Durst Family this past Sunday (2/21/10) at the Hard Rock Cafe in Pittsburgh, PA (Station Square). The turn out was fantastic and everyone appeared to really enjoy themselves while donating money for a much deserving family. The food really hit the spot, the silent auction and Chinese auction baskets offered something for everybody, and the music performed from a variety of bands was outstanding. For $40 you couldn't beat the venue, the atmosphere, everything that was offered, and the fact that the Durst Family was receiving a generous amount of money for whatever they most need it for.

Jon Fisher really rallied the troops for this event and he should be commended for his generosity and selflessness, not to mention how cool he is for donating his time and getting this fundraiser ready to be the success it was in such a short amount of time. Jon orchestrated one cool event for a deserving cause. Here's just a thought, hopefully Jon will continue on this path, of organizing fundraisers for worthy causes and people, it seems to suit him very well- The world would truly be a cooler place!

I also want to mention one band, The Thrift Shop, they are made up of some young kids who play older rock. It's really cool to see young kids taking an interest in classic rock and performing it really well. If you ever get a chance to see them in person I highly recommend it, I think you will thoroughly enjoy them and appreciate their talent and respect for the music they play. It was really cool of them to donate their time and efforts to help Jon make this event a success.

I just want to mention again what a cool event this was and thank everyone who donated their time and talents to make it work and to all who ventured out to it to donate their hard earned money. Here's to all of you, stay positive, stay generous, and stay cool!

Do you know someone who organized a fundraiser or did something else cool to help someone in need? Who are they and what did they do?

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