Saturday, February 20, 2010



This is my first official blog and I am excited to be bringing to you the idea of Coolitics. Coolitics is about being cool to yourself and others, a practice that I think has been long forgotten over the years as we as a nation and a world continue to get louder, more obnoxious, and ignorant towards each other. I am not sure how this has come about-(though I do have my thoughts and theories on it but this blog is not about ranting or complaining)-though it seems that the louder, more obnoxious, and more ignorant someone is the more they are positively rewarded. Personally, I don't think this sends a good message to the youth of today and tomorrow who will soon be the adults and leaders of the future. With this blog I hope to continue to bring a light to those that are kind, humble, honest, respectable, and responsible, characteristics that are not only admirable but COOL!

I look forward to bringing to you, COOLITICIANS, individuals and groups that are doing cool things who might otherwise go unnoticed. These individuals and groups might be from my local hometown, Zelienople, PA, from across the U.S., or from across the world. I also look forward to your comments and input as well. If the COOLITICIAN isn't from Zelienople, PA I usually find someone to honor through local and national news (tv or paper) and the internet so hopefully you will feel free to recognize and comment on someone you know and think is cool-they could very well become COOLITICIAN OF THE WEEK.

You can also go to to view COOLITICIANS OF THE WEEK and past COOLITICIANS OF THE WEEK. At this website you will also find other information about COOLITICS and check out some of the way cool COOLITCS gear-(please excuse the website, I am not a web designer and basically put it together through a do-it-yourself website so its not as professionally looking as I would like but it was fun to attempt anyways).

Thanks for visiting my blog and I look forward to posting many positive blogs about individuals and groups performing cool and selfless acts in the future and hearing from you. Stay positive, stay generous, and stay cool!

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