Tuesday, March 16, 2010

a COOL attitude

First off, I would like to congratulate Gabourey Sidibe on her Oscar nomination but most important I want to congratulate her on her COOL attitude towards some of the criticism she has received about her weight.

Yes, some of the criticism has been rather harsh but she has been very COOL in how she has responded to it. Basically, she hasn't dignified the criticism with a response, only stating that she has learned to love herself, is fine with the way she looks, and if her body ever changes she will be fine with that as well. Her attitude appears to be not only a COOL one but a healthy one as well. Here's hoping she continues to keep that COOL attitude and have a long successful career in Hollywood or wherever her journey leads her next.

Here's to you Gabourey, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

Do you know someone who has been criticized for their appearance yet keeps a COOL attitude about themselves and how they respond to the criticism?

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