Wednesday, March 10, 2010

a COOL bonus check

It's COOL to see individuals do COOL, generous things with their money and it's even COOLER when high priced athletes get into the act, especially when we all too often see them making the headlines that aren't so favorable towards their family, team, city, or fans.

Former New Orleans Saint Linebacker, Scott Fujita, who recently signed with the Cleveland Browns gave half of his Super Bowl bonus check to charity-half of it to Haiti relief efforts and the other half to coastal restoration in New Orleans. Though he is leaving the Saints for the Browns and some fans might be upset, hopefully they will think more of his charitable act than of him wearing a different football jersey this season. I can't remember the last time an athlete leaving a city did such a COOL thing. He has stated that the city of New Orleans has been good to him and his family and wanted to do something to show his appreciation to the city. I can't think of a COOLER thing to do.

Hopefully, other high priced and not so high priced athletes leaving a city they have played or lived in will be inspired by Scott's COOL act and do something as COOL or COOLER to show their appreciation for the support they received through the years. Here's to you Scott Fujita, have a great injury free season, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

Who do you know that has done something COOL with a bonus check? Who are they and what did they do?

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