Thursday, March 18, 2010

it's COOL to go postal

You might have gasped at the blog title but please read on to see how COOL it is to emulate the following postal employees.

U.S. Postal Service workers stationed at the Oakland Station of Pittsburgh, PA pitched in for five postal bins of food for a woman, Ms. Lucille Zolkoski, on James Gambrell's mail delivery route.

Mr. Gambrell has delivered mail in the eastern tip of Pittsburgh's Polish Hill for about two years. He usually stops and listens as Lucille shares stories of her life with him. He became worried about her after she mentioned she didn't have much to eat. He quickly jumped into action and had a neighbor of hers go to the store for her after they both pitched in some money. From there, he approached co-workers at his station and they gave without hesitation. He was soon delivering those five postal bins of food to her. She was very grateful and a little embarrassed to be a recipient of their generosity. The generosity of Mr. Gambrell and a co-worker doesn't stop there, they are scheduling a social worker to visit with her in hopes of a more long term solution.

Mr. Gambrell and his co-workers at the Post Office Station in the Oakland section of Pittsburgh have showed how COOL it is to go above and beyond at work. Here's to you Mr. Gambrell and the rest of your POSTAL co-workers, keep up the great work, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

Do you know someone who has gone above and beyond for another individual while on the job? Who are they and what did they do?

This story first appeared in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette courtesy of the fine journalism by Diane Nelson Jones.

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