Thursday, March 25, 2010

a COOL author on modeling COOL behavior

COOLITICS is geared towards everyone and hopefully it appeals to most but it is probably most important for the adults (all of us)-who have an affect on children, teenagers, or young adults-to talk, practice, and teach COOLITICS. Even if you don't think you have an affect on those mentioned above I am sorry to inform you but you do and it can either be positive or negative.

Barbara Coloroso, an author of many books covering such topics as: bullying, parenting, and conflict resolution, states, "parents must model (cool) behavior to create (cool), kind, empathetic children." I don't think I have to remind anyone that these children soon grow up to be adults and whether or not they grow up to be cool or uncool adults is on us.

Barbara asks some very enlightening questions, "How do you treat hired help? How do you treat someone that looks different from you? How do you treat someone who moves too slowly in the grocery store for you?" Some very good questions worth taking the time to think about.

Barbara also expresses that she wants to raise the type of child that will sit next to the new kid in class or one that tells others to quit picking on him/her. She goes on to state, "Parents (adults) need to help their kids see that everyone has dignity and worth, that they don't put someone outside a circle of caring, they don't make someone an 'it.' You don't have to like every kid in the classroom, but you do have to honor their humanity."

Here's to you Barbara, a COOL author who writes COOL, enlightening books. Stay inspired, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

If you would like more information about Barbara Coloroso or would like to purchase one of her books please visit:

Do you know someone who models COOL behavior? Tell us about them.

An article about Barbara Coloroso first appeared in the Boston Globe By: Bella English (c) Copyright Globe Newspaper Company

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