Thursday, April 15, 2010

a COOL rock star

I know when I mention the words "Rock Star" it brings to mind fame, fortune, music, and for some it might bring to mind endless parties accompanied by booze, drugs and scantily clad women.

However, when I mention Jon Bon Jovi I hope it brings to mind his selfless efforts to provide affordable homes to the homeless and that's what makes him COOL, not his legendary status as a world famous musician.

Through his "Philadelphia Soul Foundation" he has provided 6 million dollars towards building affordable houses for the homeless in cities he plays a concert. Through this act he hopes to inspire others to find what moves them and to volunteer. He states that it is time to change from the decade of "me" to "we"-sounds to me a lot like what COOLITICS is all about and Jon definitely sounds like a COOLITICIAN!

Here's to you Jon, I know you get a lot of press and are world famous but I wanted to mention how COOL your efforts off stage to help others really are. Keep rock'n, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

Talk about another rock star that is doing COOL things off stage. Who are they and what are they doing?

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