Thursday, April 1, 2010

COOL dresses

As April begins it is time to start thinking about spring, which means yard work, house cleaning, and getting out of hibernation. It also means thinking about prom to many high school seniors across the world. It's a joyous time as it should be but for those girls who can't afford a dress, prom doesn't seem like an event to get excited about. In Chicago, one organization is looking to change that.

The Wish Upon a Wardrobe Foundation provides prom dresses along with accessories to girls who wouldn't be able to afford them otherwise. Deirdre White, President of the organization that runs the foundation states, "The girls are super happy when they walk away. It's empowering women and it's supporting the family...Financially, it's really hard for parents these days to have to say, 'No, we can't afford the dress for prom,' and girls can't go. But they leave here very empowered and feeling beautiful."

A private session is held for homeless girls but the event,from noon to 2pm on April 10, may be attended by any girl currently enrolled in high school. Wish Upon a Wardrobe is looking to expand soon after it receives over 4,000 dresses from a local Junior Women's League. The dresses, described as the latest in style and color along with the accessories can be purchased for only $20. The foundation held it's inaugural event last year and was considered a success.

Here's to you Deirdre White and The Wish Upon a Wardrobe Foundation for making the prom a joyous and memorable occasion for those that might not otherwise attend. Keep up the great work, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

If you would like to volunteer or donate dresses call Deirdre White at (847) 742-7930 or e-mail

Do you know of an individual or organization like Deirdre or Wish Upon a Wardrobe? Who/What are they and what do they do?

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