Thursday, April 22, 2010

COOL bags and COOL loaves

Talk about a really COOL 2 for 1 bargain, in Sturgeon, WI that's exactly what you will find. Robert Scaturo created and started selling reusable cloth shopping bags in his store for Earth Day to try and reduce the number of plastic bags his customers used to take home loaves of bread that were freshly baked on site.

The bags cost $3 and all proceeds will go to the "Seven Loaves Project", a project created by Mr. Scaturo's good friend, Ron "JR" Schoenfeld, who visited orphanages in Rwanda and learned the children only eat bread once a year and it takes three days to walk to the nearest bakery.

Mr. Schoenfeld was inspired to do something besides throwing money at the problem. He expresses that "Seven Loaves" isn't just a nutritional project but a vocational project as well. His efforts will eventually provide economical, environmentally friendly, and efficient earthen ovens to Rwanda so that 200 loaves of bread can be baked daily. These ovens will use no electricity and only small amounts of wood. The people will also learn a trade as they will be taught to bake bread.

It seemed a natural fit for Mr. Scaturo to help out his good friend, he already donates left over bread to a local food pantry and donates goods to local events and local organizations. The baker in him thought it would be COOL to help with a global cause and teach people in Rwanda to bake.

The pairing of these COOL ideas from Robert Scaturo and Ron "JR" Schoenfeld shows how one good idea can lead to another one. Here's to both of you, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

Do you know of one cool idea that led to another one? What are they?

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