Tuesday, April 20, 2010

COOL bystanders

It is so COOL when bystanders, who can sometimes be described as total strangers, get involved and help someone who has been victimized by a fool or in this case, a couple of fools.

In Port St. Lucie, FLA a couple of fools attempted to snatch a purse from a woman who was loading her vehicle with items she had bought after a day of shopping. As the one man ran with the woman's purse and tried to hop into his friend's vehicle "numerous (COOL) bystanders" caught him to thwart their getaway.

The man driving the vehicle jumped out and threatened everyone with a baseball bat, after hitting the truck he exited from with it. The bystanders refused to back down and the two men were shortly apprehended by the local police.

It is not always recommended to get involved when someone has been victimized due to fearing for your own safety and best to call the proper authorities when witnessing a crime. However, these bystanders decided to get involved and not let these fools be successful in ruining an innocent woman's day. Here's to you "bystanders" for taking the time to get involved, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

Have you ever gotten involved or known someone who has gotten involved to help an innocent victim of a senseless crime? What did you or the person you know do to help?

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