Tuesday, April 27, 2010

a COOL quarterback

Bruce Gradkowski, quarterback for the Oakland Raiders and former quarterback of Seton-LaSalle High School and Toledo, knows how fortunate he has been to play football at it's highest level and has a grasp on what is really important, "I'm fortunate to have some connections because of what I do. What good are they if you can't use them to help other people? It doesn't matter if it's reading to a bunch of fifth-graders or helping a guy like Dom. Helping people should be what it's all about."

Dominic D'Eramo, a neighbor of Bruce's parents in Dormant, PA, is who he is referring to when he refers to a guy like Dom. Dom is a 38 year-old husband and father of two young children who has fought a rare form of stomach cancer and now faces more chemo after doctors found cancer cells in his colon.

Bruce recently committed to playing in a local charity golf tournament and asked if some of the proceeds could go towards Dom's medical expenses, C.J. Betters, a local Beaver County developer cut a $5,000 check without hesitation. This in not the best and biggest way Bruce has helped Dom battle his bouts with cancer.

Prior to his game against the Steelers last year, Bruce visited Dom and dropped off a signed jersey he wore in a game earlier in the year and a two page letter he wrote for him. The hand delivered letter talked about beating the odds, especially when they seem insurmountable. Bruce laid out the stats for Dom of how hard it is to make it in the NFL as a quarterback, basically stating that 1 out of every 600,000 high school quarterbacks make it that far. He continued to point out that if a guy like himself could make it then he can be the one guy to battle and beat cancer, he just has to keep believing. Dom expresses that he will never stop believing and will never give up.

How COOL of Bruce to give his time to visit Dom and to offer such inspiring words when he could be off partying it up and living life in the fast lane. Bruce chooses to inspire through not only his words but his actions as well, very COOL. If you want to question how inspiring Bruce can be just remember he is the quarterback who beat a No. 9 ranked Pitt team when he was at Toledo after throwing for over 400 yards and how can we Steeler fans forget last years game against the Raiders when he threw three fourth-quarter TD's to beat out beloved black and gold.

Here's to you Bruce, have a great year (just not against the Steelers, Nov. 21), continue to have a lucrative career in the NFL, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

What do you think of Bruce and his commitment to helping others?

A version of this story first appeared in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette by: Ron Cook

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