Thursday, April 29, 2010

a COOL retired infielder

Sticking with the theme of the last blog, Tony Womack is one COOL professional athlete. Mr. Womack is a retired baseball player who was an infielder for a couple of teams in Major League Baseball over a 13 year career. Tony has realized how hard work and some luck can benefit a person and is humbled by the success he has had. He also realizes the fortunate position playing professional sports has put him in to help others.

Tony is now a spokesman for Smart Start, a North Carolina based public-private initiative designed to ensure that young children enter school healthy and ready to succeed by providing funding to all of the state's 100 counties. Mr. Womack has also created a Cover-to-Cover Literacy Program to inspire students in elementary and middle schools to become enthusiastic about reading.

Tony expresses that Smart Start has the same ideas he has, "It's all about our kids because the only way this world is going to survive is them. The only way they are going to survive is through education." He also feels that education itself is a great way of preventing children from dropping out of school, he sees it as a way for kids to cope with the ups and downs of life.

Here's to you Tony for inspiring the children of today to seeing the importance of an education, keep up the great work, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

What do you think of Tony Womack's efforts to get children interested in reading and education?

Information on Tony's inspiring efforts first appeared in a Wilmington, NC newspaper, StarNews by: Chuck Carree

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

a COOL quarterback

Bruce Gradkowski, quarterback for the Oakland Raiders and former quarterback of Seton-LaSalle High School and Toledo, knows how fortunate he has been to play football at it's highest level and has a grasp on what is really important, "I'm fortunate to have some connections because of what I do. What good are they if you can't use them to help other people? It doesn't matter if it's reading to a bunch of fifth-graders or helping a guy like Dom. Helping people should be what it's all about."

Dominic D'Eramo, a neighbor of Bruce's parents in Dormant, PA, is who he is referring to when he refers to a guy like Dom. Dom is a 38 year-old husband and father of two young children who has fought a rare form of stomach cancer and now faces more chemo after doctors found cancer cells in his colon.

Bruce recently committed to playing in a local charity golf tournament and asked if some of the proceeds could go towards Dom's medical expenses, C.J. Betters, a local Beaver County developer cut a $5,000 check without hesitation. This in not the best and biggest way Bruce has helped Dom battle his bouts with cancer.

Prior to his game against the Steelers last year, Bruce visited Dom and dropped off a signed jersey he wore in a game earlier in the year and a two page letter he wrote for him. The hand delivered letter talked about beating the odds, especially when they seem insurmountable. Bruce laid out the stats for Dom of how hard it is to make it in the NFL as a quarterback, basically stating that 1 out of every 600,000 high school quarterbacks make it that far. He continued to point out that if a guy like himself could make it then he can be the one guy to battle and beat cancer, he just has to keep believing. Dom expresses that he will never stop believing and will never give up.

How COOL of Bruce to give his time to visit Dom and to offer such inspiring words when he could be off partying it up and living life in the fast lane. Bruce chooses to inspire through not only his words but his actions as well, very COOL. If you want to question how inspiring Bruce can be just remember he is the quarterback who beat a No. 9 ranked Pitt team when he was at Toledo after throwing for over 400 yards and how can we Steeler fans forget last years game against the Raiders when he threw three fourth-quarter TD's to beat out beloved black and gold.

Here's to you Bruce, have a great year (just not against the Steelers, Nov. 21), continue to have a lucrative career in the NFL, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

What do you think of Bruce and his commitment to helping others?

A version of this story first appeared in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette by: Ron Cook

Thursday, April 22, 2010

COOL bags and COOL loaves

Talk about a really COOL 2 for 1 bargain, in Sturgeon, WI that's exactly what you will find. Robert Scaturo created and started selling reusable cloth shopping bags in his store for Earth Day to try and reduce the number of plastic bags his customers used to take home loaves of bread that were freshly baked on site.

The bags cost $3 and all proceeds will go to the "Seven Loaves Project", a project created by Mr. Scaturo's good friend, Ron "JR" Schoenfeld, who visited orphanages in Rwanda and learned the children only eat bread once a year and it takes three days to walk to the nearest bakery.

Mr. Schoenfeld was inspired to do something besides throwing money at the problem. He expresses that "Seven Loaves" isn't just a nutritional project but a vocational project as well. His efforts will eventually provide economical, environmentally friendly, and efficient earthen ovens to Rwanda so that 200 loaves of bread can be baked daily. These ovens will use no electricity and only small amounts of wood. The people will also learn a trade as they will be taught to bake bread.

It seemed a natural fit for Mr. Scaturo to help out his good friend, he already donates left over bread to a local food pantry and donates goods to local events and local organizations. The baker in him thought it would be COOL to help with a global cause and teach people in Rwanda to bake.

The pairing of these COOL ideas from Robert Scaturo and Ron "JR" Schoenfeld shows how one good idea can lead to another one. Here's to both of you, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

Do you know of one cool idea that led to another one? What are they?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

COOL bystanders

It is so COOL when bystanders, who can sometimes be described as total strangers, get involved and help someone who has been victimized by a fool or in this case, a couple of fools.

In Port St. Lucie, FLA a couple of fools attempted to snatch a purse from a woman who was loading her vehicle with items she had bought after a day of shopping. As the one man ran with the woman's purse and tried to hop into his friend's vehicle "numerous (COOL) bystanders" caught him to thwart their getaway.

The man driving the vehicle jumped out and threatened everyone with a baseball bat, after hitting the truck he exited from with it. The bystanders refused to back down and the two men were shortly apprehended by the local police.

It is not always recommended to get involved when someone has been victimized due to fearing for your own safety and best to call the proper authorities when witnessing a crime. However, these bystanders decided to get involved and not let these fools be successful in ruining an innocent woman's day. Here's to you "bystanders" for taking the time to get involved, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

Have you ever gotten involved or known someone who has gotten involved to help an innocent victim of a senseless crime? What did you or the person you know do to help?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

a COOL rock star

I know when I mention the words "Rock Star" it brings to mind fame, fortune, music, and for some it might bring to mind endless parties accompanied by booze, drugs and scantily clad women.

However, when I mention Jon Bon Jovi I hope it brings to mind his selfless efforts to provide affordable homes to the homeless and that's what makes him COOL, not his legendary status as a world famous musician.

Through his "Philadelphia Soul Foundation" he has provided 6 million dollars towards building affordable houses for the homeless in cities he plays a concert. Through this act he hopes to inspire others to find what moves them and to volunteer. He states that it is time to change from the decade of "me" to "we"-sounds to me a lot like what COOLITICS is all about and Jon definitely sounds like a COOLITICIAN!

Here's to you Jon, I know you get a lot of press and are world famous but I wanted to mention how COOL your efforts off stage to help others really are. Keep rock'n, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

Talk about another rock star that is doing COOL things off stage. Who are they and what are they doing?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

a COOL body part

A mother used to ask her son, "What is the most important part of the body?" The young boy would take many guesses throughout the years in hoping to get the correct answer. The woman's son at first thought sound was very important and guessed that the ears were the most important body part. His mother informed him that wasn't the correct answer, told him that many people are deaf, and to keep thinking about it and she would ask again soon.

Many years went past before the the woman asked her son again. Since the first attempt the little boy had been thinking about what the correct answer would be and was excited to guess the eyes because he thought sight was very important. Again, to his dismay, his mother informed him that many people were blind and that his answer was incorrect but commended him on his ability to really think.

As years past the young boy grew into a young man and continued to get his mother's question wrong. His mother informed him that he was getting smarter every year and was proud of the way he thought. Then one year the young man's grandfather died, everyone was crying and his mother asked him again as they were about to say there final good-byes, "Do you know the most important body part yet, my son?" He was surprised that she would ask him now. He had always thought that it was a game between just the two of them.

His mother informed him that though he was wrong in the past, his answers had showed how he had lived his life but today was the day he needed to learn this valuable and important lesson. His mother looked at him and said, "Dear, the most important body part is the shoulder."

The young man was puzzled at first and said, "Is it because it holds up my head?" His mother replied, "No, it is because it can hold the head of a friend or a loved one when they are suffering. Everyone needs a shoulder to lean on sometime in their life and I hope that you have enough love and friends that you will always have a shoulder available when you need it."

That's when the man knew that the most important body part is not a selfish one-it is empathetic to the suffering and need of others.

If your shoulder is there for others I am positive that you will always have one available to you in your time of need. It's about having the time and strength to support others without wanting or expecting anything in return, that's what being COOL is all about. Stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

When was a time you offered your shoulder to someone or someone offered you one when you really needed it?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

a COOL trip to the zoo

This month, the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium are offering free admission to those who donate a pair of PRESCRIPTION glasses. New Eyes for the Needy, a non-profit organization that works to improve the vision of poor people throughout the world to include children, adults, and seniors, will receive all donated glasses.

Dr. Barbara Baker, president and CEO of the zoo and aquarium, states, "Most of us have glasses that are just sitting in a drawer. Why not donate them and enjoy a visit to the zoo at the same time?"

The glasses will be collected at the gate and there is no limit on the number of PRESCRIPTION glasses a family donates.

Sounds like a very COOL trip to the zoo where those in need benefit and those that donate get to spend time at the zoo with family and friends through free admission. Here's to you Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium for providing such a COOL opportunity to those that donate and to those in need-stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

Do you know of another COOL venue that thinks about the needy and provides an opportunity to those who donate their time or possessions? What is it and what do they do?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

a COOL story

By: Unknown

A young man sat next to the bed of an older man, Hal a friend for over twenty years, and held his hand. Hal was dying, they both knew these next few days would be his last. They spent time reminiscing about his long life and talked about old friends. They chatted about his family and Hal offered sage wisdom and advice to a member of a younger generation.

At a lull in the conversation, Hal seemed to carefully consider what he was about to say next and squeezed the younger man's hand, gazed intently into his eyes and whispered just loud enough for him to hear, "Nothing is more important than relationships." The younger man knew that this was somehow the pinnacle of Hal's life learning's as he considered all of his experiences--personal, professional, spiritual, and family, this one ultimate observation surfaced above the rest: "Nothing is more important than relationships."

"Don't get overly caught up in your career," Hal seemed to be saying, "Likewise, don't use people in order to achieve your goals, then throw them away. No project, no task should be pursued at the expense of friends and family. Remember, that in the end, only your relationships will truly matter, tend them well." Writer Og Mandino puts it this way: "Beginning today," he said, "treat everyone you meet as if he or she were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness, and understanding you can muster, and do so with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again."

This story truly embodies the meaning of COOLITICS and what being COOL is all about. I would definitely consider Hal and writer Og Mandino COOLITICIANS! Remember, being COOL to others and yourself is what it's all about and the only thing that really matters at the end of the day.

Here's to Hal, Mr. Mandino, and the rest of you that talk and practice COOLITICS-stay positive, stay generous and STAY COOL!

Do you know another COOL life observation that embodies the meaing of COOLITICS? What is it and how did you come about it?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

COOL dresses

As April begins it is time to start thinking about spring, which means yard work, house cleaning, and getting out of hibernation. It also means thinking about prom to many high school seniors across the world. It's a joyous time as it should be but for those girls who can't afford a dress, prom doesn't seem like an event to get excited about. In Chicago, one organization is looking to change that.

The Wish Upon a Wardrobe Foundation provides prom dresses along with accessories to girls who wouldn't be able to afford them otherwise. Deirdre White, President of the organization that runs the foundation states, "The girls are super happy when they walk away. It's empowering women and it's supporting the family...Financially, it's really hard for parents these days to have to say, 'No, we can't afford the dress for prom,' and girls can't go. But they leave here very empowered and feeling beautiful."

A private session is held for homeless girls but the event,from noon to 2pm on April 10, may be attended by any girl currently enrolled in high school. Wish Upon a Wardrobe is looking to expand soon after it receives over 4,000 dresses from a local Junior Women's League. The dresses, described as the latest in style and color along with the accessories can be purchased for only $20. The foundation held it's inaugural event last year and was considered a success.

Here's to you Deirdre White and The Wish Upon a Wardrobe Foundation for making the prom a joyous and memorable occasion for those that might not otherwise attend. Keep up the great work, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

If you would like to volunteer or donate dresses call Deirdre White at (847) 742-7930 or e-mail

Do you know of an individual or organization like Deirdre or Wish Upon a Wardrobe? Who/What are they and what do they do?