Wednesday, August 11, 2010

a COOL camp

Camp Quality is an annual camp for children with cancer, it provides children with a camp experience and a respite from their illness. The camp was founded in Australia back in 1983 and has grown to 57 camps around the world.

LeAnn Kooyenga, a pediatric oncology nurse, volunteers as a medical coordinator at Camp Quality in Illinois, "This camp is fantastic because it gives kids a break from their treatment and from the hospital, it's a huge boost for the morale and they leave talking about coming back next year."

This year 80 campers attended Camp Quality in Illinois. Volunteer companions and 24 hour-a-day medical staff greeted them upon arrival. A variety of activities are offered every year depending on the economy but a few are mainstays such as crafts, archery, paintball, and swimming.

Michelle Carroll, a former camper and now a sophomore in college, was diagnosed with neuroblastoma cancer when she was 2 1/2 years old. She has attended the camp which she views as a "second home" every year since she was 4 and has volunteered for the past two years as a companion, "Camp Quality had such an impact on my life, it meant a lot to me to have fun for a week, to be able to be myself, especially because of all the other kids are in the same situation. As a companion, it's rewarding to see kids so happy and to know that you are a part of it."

Carol Oostman, volunteer and board member at Illinois' Camp Quality, expresses, "Our motto is "Letting kids with cancer be kids again". We don't off a cure, just a break from being sick, campers come just to have fun."

Here's to all the volunteers and medical staff at Camp Quality's around the world-keep up the great work! Stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

For more information on Camp Quality's around the world please visit:

What do you think of Camp Quality's efforts to provide a camp experience and fun to those children diagnosed with cancer?

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