Sunday, August 29, 2010

a COOL donation

According to a press release a teen center in the Cambridge, MA area needed an air hockey table. Now, after Cambridge Police Officer Oswaldo Ortiz took action and donated one, the center will no longer be needing to replace it's old one.

Officer Ortiz knew that the center wasn't going to be able to purchase a new one for the kids so he decided to take action, "I decided to buy them a new table that they could use and enjoy."

Officer Ortiz, or "Ozzie" as he is referred to by the kids, is a big part of the Community Relations Unit and interacts with the kids daily in the mornings during the week. This summer he was assigned to the center where 30-40 pre-teens attend and wanted to do something beyond his call of duty, "Their old table had a hole in it and I wanted to do something nice for the kids."

To some, this act of coolness may seem small but to these kids that table could have meant a lot and Officer Ortiz's cool actions send a positive message to them-no act of kindness is small. Here's to you Officer Ortiz for realizing any donation is a cool one-stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

What do you think of Officer Ortiz's donation to the teen center?

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