Thursday, August 19, 2010

a COOL random act of kindness

Now this story might not seem like much to some readers but it truly exemplifies what being cool is all about. A gentleman walking through an Aldi's in East Peoria, IL noticed an elderly man, Ray-93, struggling with picking up a watermelon. The unknown man picked it up for him, put it in his cart, followed him and the man's wife to the check-out, put it on the counter and back into the cart when it was paid for. He continued to follow the older couple to their car and put the watermelon into the trunk. The man left without wanting anything in return, he didn't even give his name to the elderly couple.

The older couple wanted to thank the anonymous gentleman so they shared this random act of kindness with their local newspaper in Peoria, IL. "There are such nice people in the world," they expressed, "we just want to thank the very nice gentleman for being so kind."

Here's to the anonymous gentleman who made the day of an elderly couple with his random act of kindness and wanting nothing in return-stay postive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

What do you think of random acts of kindness? When was the last time you performed a random act of kindness and what was it?

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