Friday, July 16, 2010

COOL angels

Its never been easier to know an angel here on earth or to become one yourself. To become an angel all that one must do is send a letter or card once a week and a small care package once a month to a deployed member of the United States military.

Soldiers' Angels is a non-profit organization providing aid and comfort to the men and women of the United States Armed Forces and their families. It was started by Patti Patton-Bader, a self proclaimed ordinary mother, who has had two sons deployed to Iraq over the years.

While on deployment in 2003 her oldest son, Brandon, explained his concerns to his mother that some of his fellow soldiers never received any mail or care packages from home. Patti vowed to not let a situation like this continue and contacted friends and family to see if they would be interested in supporting a soldier or two on deployment. Before long, Soldiers' Angels became an Internet community with thousands of angels around the world and reorganized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit in 2004.

Soldiers' Angels volunteers have not stopped at sending over hundreds of thousands of letters and care packages to service members deployed all over the world, they have sent First Aid Packages to the wounded at various military hospitals in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as stateside, they have provided emergency aid to military families in need, and have provided technology that helps assist the severely wounded such as voice-controlled/adaptive laptops. Other efforts have helped provide Kevlar armored blankets for vehicles and flights to soldiers or members of their families when needed as well as other services that help to honor and uphold the memories of those that have sacrificed the ultimate price for the freedom and safety of us here at home.

Here's to you Patti Patton-Bader and the rest of the Soldiers' Angels that walk among us here on earth, keep up your COOL efforts to assure those soldiers deployed that they are not forgotten back home and are much appreciated-stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

For more information about these angels please visit them at:

What do you think of Soldiers' Angels and their efforts to provide aid and comfort to United States Military members deployed around the world? Do you think you would like to be a member of Soldiers' Angels?

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