Thursday, June 10, 2010

a COOL pre-wedding bash

When getting married one not only looks forward to the special day but also to the bachelor and bachelorette parties that precede it. Well, Christine Buono of Hopewell, PA and her fiancee, Justin Harrison of Hampton, PA, decided to throw a fundraiser instead.

The both of them decided on organizing a car wash to benefit the North Hills Community Outreach. With family and some members of the wedding party they were able to collect food and money for the community agency while having fun and spending time with each other. Ms. Buono explains, "We decided we wanted to do something for someone else. We're not 25 and don't need to party."

Also, the couple plans on forgoing wedding favors and making donations to the food pantry and Music for Life in honor of their guests. They will let their guests know through notes or the program who was helped by their generous actions.

Mr. Harrison's aunt is not the least bit surprised by the couple's actions, "Nothing surprises me that they do. They're always doing something for someone else."

Here's to you Christine and Justin, may you be happy and blessed for years to come-stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

What do you think of Christine's and Justin's idea of throwing a fundraiser in lieu of bachelor and bachelorette parties?

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