Friday, June 18, 2010

a COOL donor

Maggie Wiederholt, who would have been 13 today, received an anonymous $10,000 gift in her name towards research into the auto-immune disease called "Behcet's" which led to her death this past February.

"I cannot think of a more amazing (COOL) gift for Maggie's birthday...than this money that was sent in her memory," Diane Wiederholt writes, "I have no clue who sent the money and could never even begin to thank them." The anonymous donation was the largest yet since Maggie's death.

One of Maggie's dying wishes was for more research to be done to help others that suffer from the disease that took her life. Maggie requested that an autopsy be performed on her body so that tissue samples could be tested to see how the auto-immune disease affected her organs.

Dr. Polly Ferguson, Maggies rheumatologist, explains that upward towards $50,000 would be needed to perform a "whole genome sequencing" which would provide the needed information about the DNA sequencing of Maggie's genes and the DNA in between them, and a lot more to do the research beyond that. The anonymous $10,000 gift is certainly a step in the right direction.

Here's to you anonymous donor for your COOL gift and for staying humble about it-stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

What do you think of this COOL gift and the donor's decision to remain anonymous?

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