Tuesday, June 22, 2010

COOL neighbors

Ever leave town and think twice about if you locked your doors of if your house is safe from being broken into? Most people don't, it's not something we want to worry about while we are away on business or pleasure. It's reassuring when one lives in a neighborhood where neighbors look out for each other.

This week in Titusville, FL three suspects, all under 21 years-of-age, entered a house they knew to be vacant as the residents were out of town. They loaded a large safe and two flat-screen televisions, among other items, into their 1998 Dodge but didn't get far.

Thanks to a couple of neighbors who alertly called 9-1-1 after witnessing the suspects, 1 female and 2 males, loading up the items into their vehicle, they were quickly apprehended. Detective T.J. Wright, who was in the right place at the right time, responded to the call and arrested the three suspects minutes after the crime took place.

Here's to these two neighbors who decided to take action and get involved instead of looking the other way and here's to COOL neighbors all over the world-stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

What would you do if you witnessed a crime in your neighborhood?

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