Friday, June 25, 2010

COOL neighborhood parties

Summer time for neighborhoods across the world usually means cookouts, swimming, and the occasional block party. For residents of Josephine Crossing in Billings, MT summer time means hosting a free six week concert and movie series that helps different fundraising organizations.

Brad McCall, a resident of Josephine Crossing, explains, "At first we wanted a COOL event n the neighborhood for all the neighbors. After all, we live here too, but then we got thinking on a larger scale. We thought it would be fun to open our parties to the public and if we can help out a few fundraising organizations in the process, why not?"

It wasn't an easy task to select what organizations would benefit from the concerts, with so many in the community. They finally decided on fundraisers that put an emphasis on environment and conservation.

If you find yourself in or around Billings, MT be sure to check out one of the free concerts or movies in Josephine Crossing. Food, beer, and wine can be purchased from THE SOUP PLACE and YELLOWSTONE VALLEY BREWING-the concerts go from 6pm-8pm. For more info please visit

The concert dates and benefitting groups are listed below:

6/29: The Firehouse Band (BikeNet)
7/13: The Peach Pickers (Audubon Conservation Education Center)
7/20: Chris Smith (Montana Wilderness Association)
7/27: Downtime (Yellowstone River Parks Association)
8/3: Zen (Habitat for Humanity)
8/10: Jaded Ladies (The MS Society)

Here's to you residents of Josephine Crossing for proving that thinking of others can be a blast! stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

What do you think of the residents of Josephine Crossing and their method of giving to worthy causes?

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