Thursday, May 13, 2010

a COOL speaker

Gale Sayers is known to many as a Hall-of-Fame running back for the Chicago Bears in the sixties and retiring after five seasons, in 1971, due to injuries to his knees. Many don't know that today he works to inspire and comfort cancer patients.

Mr. Sayers is motivated to help by the many losses he has experienced due to cancer, "I go way back with cancer because of family and friends who have died because of the disease. Any time I can help people who have cancer, I am happy to do it."

The friendship between Mr. Sayers who is black, and fellow Chicago Bear running back, Brian Piccolo who is white, has been well chronicled in books and made for t.v. movies. During the sixties when racial tensions were high Mr. Sayers and Mr. Piccolo developed a friendship that inspires many today. Gale, lost his good friend, Brian, to cancer in 1970.

Mr. Sayers is this years keynote speaker at the Goshen Center for Cancer Care's sixth annual cancer survivorship program. He expresses that his short career in football can teach a lesson that has already been learned by many cancer patients, make the most of of every day, their lives, and to cherish each relationship.

Here's to you Gale Sayers, first-for providing us many sports fans with numerous exciting highlights, second-for inspiring us to look past our differences in tough times to form important relationships, and third-for inspiring those diagnosed with cancer, undergoing treatment, or in remission-keep inspiring, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

What do you think of Gaye Sayers inspiring characteristics and acts?

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