Tuesday, May 11, 2010

COOL moms

Though it's after Mother's Day it's never too late to celebrate COOL moms. We all know how much moms help and support us through our lives, whether we are infants, teenagers, or adults. With all that loving support comes stress and loss of time for themselves, that's why it's great to see an organization like M.O.M.S (Moms Offering Moms Support) come along and lend them an outlet so they can enjoy time with other adults who just happen to be mothers as well.

MOMS, was started in 1983 by Mary James who was a stay at-home mother living in California. She was tired of being at home alone and longed for companionship for herself and her children, she knew there had to be other stay at-home mothers along with their children. When she couldn't find another group/organization that met during the day, when stay at-home mothers need the support the most, she decided to start an organization-MOMS-just for at-home mothers.

The goals of MOMS are:
-provide support group for mothers who choose to stay at home to raise their children
-provide a forum for topics of interest to mothers
-help children in the community
-perform at least one service project yearly helping needy children

The principles:
-women must be free to choose their personal path to fulfillment
-for women who choose it, raising children is an important and fulfilling full time job
-a family's decision for a mother to stay at home to raise the children often involves considerable financial sacrifice
-there is no one right way to raise children, but our members have a common concern in raising their children in a healthful way

MOMS now numbers over 2,100 chapters in the U.S. alone and over 110,000 members! They also have International chapters starting as well!

Here's to you MOMS for supporting those stay at-home mothers who have sacrificed so much for us over the years, keep up the great work, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

Check MOMS out at www.momsclub.org or e-mail them at momsclub@aol.com

What do you think of MOMS efforts to support stay at-home mothers?

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