Tuesday, May 4, 2010

COOL hula-hooping

Rachel Niber, an 11-year-old of Discovery Bay, CA, dug into her savings of $44 and donated it to a relief fund for Haiti earthquake victims after her teacher discussed it in class. However, Rachel wanted to donate more and before long she was hula hooping for two hours as a way to raise money she could add to what she had already gave.

She has set a goal of $5,000 and has already raised nearly half of that. She is hopeful that she will be invited by others to publicly hula-hoop in hope of reaching her goal. Rachel not only wants to raise money but she would like to inspire other kids to give, "It could be Haiti, Chile, wherever. I just hope to show kids that they can make a difference."

Rachel's parents are delighted by her thoughtfulness and actions, her mother expresses, "...her level of commitment to her cause amazes and humbles me," her father simply states, "Her heart is good."

She has made her teacher, Jessie Lindell, proud, "I'm so proud of Rachel. Seeing kids take their time to make the world a better place is one of the greatest things I can hope to witness as a teacher...to see a student make an impact on the world like this is really amazing."

Here's to you Rachel, for discovering that you can make a difference in the world, even at such a young age and wanting to inspire other kids to do the same. Keep up the great work, keep making that hoop go round and round, stay positive, stay generous and STAY COOL!

If you would like to invite Rachel to hula-hoop in public to help her meet her goal, would like to donate to her cause, or would just like more information please visit:

What do you think of young Rachel's efforts to raise money for Haiti earthquake victims?

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