Thursday, May 6, 2010

COOL homes

Homes for Our Troops, a nonprofit organization committed to assisting severely injured veterans, has already built 57 homes for injured soldiers returning home throughout the country with 30 more already under construction.

On average, the homes cost $330,000 depending on location but are provided to the injured soldier at no cost to him or her. Grants, corporate sponsors, and donations from individuals and companies pay for all the homes. The homes include a variety of features depending on injuries sustained by the specific soldier, including those who have lost limbs or who have lost the use of them.

Construction of these homes takes about 90 days from start to finish. Professional contractors along with volunteers are needed to help with the construction all the way down to the finishing touches of laying sod and planting flowers before keys are presented to the new owner.

Vicky Thomas, media relations representative for Homes for Our Troops expresses that helping an injured veteran is very fulfilling, "I've done a lot of things in my career, and I have to say this one is the most rewarding I've been involved with. It just makes you feel good."

Here's to you "Homes for Our Troops", Vicky Thomas, and all the other professionals, volunteers, individuals, and companies that pitch in to assist in this COOL organization...keep up the great work, keep building homes, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

For more information about this COOL organization please visit:

What do you think of "Homes for Our Troops" and their efforts to build homes for injured soldiers throughout the country?

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