Tuesday, October 12, 2010

a COOL mom story

Sonya Carson of Detroit, MI was a divorced mother living in the ghetto trying to raise two sons, Ben and Curtis, while working two or three jobs to avoid getting on welfare.

To make matters worse, Ben and Curtis were performing poorly in school while Ben was being teased about being the dumbest kid in his fifth grade class. To say the least, Sonya was struggling for a way to help her kids stay interested in school so that they could receive a better education and carve out a promising future for themselves.

She came up with a plan to turn off the television and send both Ben and Curtis to the library to read two books each weekly and to submit two book reports to her for approval. As the boys read and did their book reports they discovered that the library offered them a chance to travel beyond their current life. Ben eventually began to excel in class and became the top student by the seventh grade. Curtis also performed way above what he had previously.

What both boys didn't know was that their mother couldn't actually read their book reports and only had a third-grade education herself.

Ben went on to attend Yale on a full scholarship, went to medical school, became chief of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins at the age of 33, and was the leader of the medical team that successfully completed the first separation of conjoined twins attached at the head.

Curtis became a successful mechanical engineer.

Sonya was no slacker herself, completing her education by receiving a degree in interior design.

Here's to you Sonya Carson for opening the world to your boys by way of the library and helping them become successful in life-stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

What do you think of Sonya and the way she inspired her boys to see beyond their current situation and become successful in life?

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