Friday, October 15, 2010

a COOL dog

Ever feel abandoned, alone, and as if nobody cares about you? If you have I am sure you didn't want to get out of bed and take on another day of feeling like that either while at work or just going about your normal every day routine.

Imagine how Pearl must have felt when she found herself abandoned at a local shelter. Pearl, a 4-year-old Labrador Retriever, was once abandoned at a shelter but was found by someone who thought enough of her to take her home and train her. Not only was she trained to be a loyal obedient dog, she was trained as a rescue dog.

Pearl, once trained, was sent to Haiti to save lives shortly after the island was devastated by an earthquake. Pearl traveled with a rescue team from the Los Angeles County Fire Department and along with seven other rescue teams from that county helped to bring 12 people to safety.

Think of Pearl the next time you are feeling abandoned. She was able to trust again and believe in herself and it couldn't have been an easy task for her to head to Haiti and search for survivors of an earthquake on her first rescue mission.

For her bravery and efforts, Pearl was awarded "Dog of the Year" by The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Here's to Pearl and her handlers who thought enough of her to give her the responsibility of saving lives-stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

What do you think of Pearl the rescue dog and how do you usually respond when feeling abandoned?

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