Friday, October 8, 2010

a COOL delivery man

Earl Wieting, a resident of Shively, KY, has delivered over a million pounds of food to area shelters since 1987 and has accumulated over 250,000 miles on his van while continuing to make his deliveries six days a week for the Kentucky Harvest Program.

"Earl the Pearl", as he is called by some of the people on his route, started volunteering shortly after retiring from being a plumber in 1983, "I needed something to do and I get to meet a lot of people. It keeps me busy and keeps me young," Mr. Wieting states.

Earl also delivers an upbeat attitude and a quiet, kind spirit to the recipients of his deliveries. Danny Trent, a fellow volunteer calls Wieting "such a nice, friendly guy" and Sue Smith, a volunteer at the Sister Visitor Center adds, "He's always doing something for someone else, and he loves what he does."

What makes Earl's numerous deliveries and many miles traveled all the more remarkable is that he is a young 91-years of age. Many are surprised to learn his age but what most people discuss is his personality and dedication. Marc Curtis, director of Kentucky Harvest, explains, "There is one donor who Earl gets up once a week at 3:15am to see if they'll have anything to donate that day. That's the only time we can call him, and Earl does it. The dedication he has, on his own, is just above and beyond what people who volunteer do."

Here's to you "Earl the Pearl" for going above and beyond what is expected of you and for making 91 sound young-stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

What do you think of Mr. Earl Wieting and his volunteering efforts at the age of 91?

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