Monday, October 10, 2011

COOL heels

Some boots were made for walking but these cool heals were made for helping women in their twenties, thirties, and early forties regain a sense of themselves as they recover from cancer treatment. The Pink Heals Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit organization that focuses on helping young women "reclaim their mojo."

Through fun programs that help women regain their confidence Pink Heals aims to help young women regain their strength and beauty. They do this because surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation can damage a woman's looks and confidence as they try to cope with being in what should be the prime of their lives. The brutal treatments can make it rather difficult to find a "new normal".

Pink Heals was founded and created by "Lisa" as she finished treatment and she was overwhelmed with emotions that included depression that followed the end of treatment. She was overcome with fear and helplessness as the feeling of "actively fighting" ended. Most of those around her assumed everything was over and that she should return back to normal. Her confidence and sense of self were shattered as she felt isolated and too young to have cancer.

Here's to you "Lisa" and Pink Heals as you help these young women regain their sense of confidence and mojo-stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

Please check out WWW.PINKHEALS.ORG if you would like to learn more or just to donate.

What do you think of PINK HEALS and their mission? Do you know someone who lost their sense of self, confidence, or looks after the active fight against cancer was over and found it hard to return to normal?

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