Friday, January 28, 2011

COOL reading

There's nothing like getting up in the morning, brewing a fresh pot of coffee, and retrieving the morning paper to view the happenings either in the sports page, local news page, front page, or the arts and entertainment page. Sitting in your preferred spot and reading while enjoying your favorite brew really sets the tone for the day.

Another cool section to read in your preferred paper is "Random Acts of Kindness (COOLNESS)" that usually appears at least once a week. The stories range from simple acts of kindness in a grocery store line, some shoveling during the winter months, to offers of being carried up ramps at a sporting event or changing seats so that the climb up the ramps won't be necessary. Usually the kind (cool) act is performed by a complete stranger who wishes to remain anonymous. The stories are short in nature but tend to leave a lasting impression on the recipient of the cool act and the reader.

The next time you find yourself browsing through your newspaper, either paper or online version, search for these random acts of coolness stories, they are sure to get your day started off right and just might motivate you to spread some coolness in your world. Keep reading, stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

Have you found a "Random Acts of Kindness" section in your preferred paper? What do you think of the stories and how do they effect you?

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