Friday, January 14, 2011

COOL hockey fans

Singing in front of a crowd can be daunting enough for an 8-year-old girl without the help of a technical malfunction that cuts out the microphone in mid-song. That's exactly what happened to Elizabeth Hughes in front of hockey fans at a Connecticut Whale game, members of the AHL (American Hockey League), as she sang the national anthem.

As her voice rang out and the fans stood, Elizabeth's microphone went silent and after a brief moment of awkwardness the crowd joined in to sing along with her until the end. In the brief moment of silence one could hear one ignorant fan laugh but then quickly shushed as the rest of the fans sang out loud.

Elizabeth kept her cool and sang along after ignoring the rude laughter. Another cool moment could be heard as the hockey team members began tapping their sticks at the conclusion of the song and the fans rewarded her with loud applause.

Here's to all those hockey fans who came to Elizabeth's support and showed what it means to be COOL-stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

What do you think of these hockey fans and how they supported Elizabeth as she managed through a technical malfunction in her attempt to sing the national anthem?

Check out the video at

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