Monday, February 21, 2011

a COOL dance

Over the past weekend Penn State University's annual IFC/Panhellanic Dance Marathon raised a record $9.56 million for pediatric cancer patients.

Around 700 dancers began to dance the weekend away Friday to benefit the Four Diamonds at Penn State Hersey Children's Hospital. The weekend marathon, or "Thon" as it is known by students and alumni, is witness to dancers dancing for 46-hours and is quite possibly the largest student-run philanthropy in the world.

This year's total surpassed last year's of $7.8 million and over all has raised more than $69 million. The marathon has currently been home to dancers for more than three decades.

Here's to the students of Penn State for enduring many hours of dancing for a cool cause-stay positive, stay generous, and when I say STAY you say COOL...STAY...

What do you think of the efforts of these tireless dancers and the amount of money they raised over the weekend? Would you ever attempt to enter a dance marathon?

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