Tuesday, December 7, 2010

a COOL fireman

Volunteering is a noble act but Lee Vohland, 69, a firefighter for the Gibbon Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department in Nebraska gives it a whole new meaning. Mr. Vohland will celebrate his 50th year with the department this February, "I still feel an adrenaline rush when I go out on calls."

This month he also celebrated his 3,000th trip to the hospital with his unit. Most of those trips have been to Good Samaritan Hospital in Kearney where the emergency room staff know him by name. Rescue Capt. Clint Smith states, "If there is one thing the department can count on, it's Lee being there. I think as far as dedication, he's a big influence on the guys wanting to be as dedicated as he is."

Lee states he started with the department because, "Like many kids, I was fascinated with firefighters and EMS workers." He remains just as dedicated as he was 50 years ago though he has cut back on some things, "I answer all calls, even fire calls, but I don't don air packs anymore. I don't go into burning buildings anymore, there are younger people who do that now."

Here's to you Lee for your dedication to volunteering and to helping others-stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

What do you think of Mr. Vohland's dedication to his volunteer fire department over the past 50 years?

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