Friday, November 5, 2010

a COOL veteran's day celebration

Retired Marine, Michael Eberly, and a small group of his friends decided three years ago that they were not satisfied with the Veteran's Day celebration Clarksville, TN and Montgomery County put on annually so they forged ahead and started an alternative one.

Their celebration is open to anyone that wants to come and includes a video that honors veterans and a champagne toast to all military veterans and current military personnel as well to include soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen.

As current wars carry on Michael says he just, "wants to spread the word that there are many who care about the veteran population, which is growing more and more every day."

Here's to you Michael Eberly and friends for putting on a ceremony to honor so many-stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

What do you think of the ceremony Michael Eberly and his friends put on for Veteran's Day? For more information about the ceremony please call Mr. Eberly at 931-436-0240.

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