Friday, September 24, 2010

a COOL shopping spree

Back to school can mean different things to different kids, parents, or families. In Portland, OR at the Johnson Creek Boulevard Fred Meyer store it meant the eighth annual "Shop With a Cop" charity event which took place at 7am on Wednesday, August 25 to help worthy but disadvantaged children have a positive start to the school year.

While many children look forward to the start of the school year-wearing new clothes, seeing old friends, and meeting new ones-many can also dread it because they don't have the means for new outfits or the new supplies they need. This event not only helps kids prepare to receive a good education but it helps them to feel as if they "fit in."

Portland Police Bureau Sgt. Larry Graham, who helped start the annual event, expressed that around 50 police officers volunteered for the shopping spree to assist kids in buying clothing and school supplies for the new school year. Sgt. Graham states, "A good thing about this is that this isn't just a giveaway. Being chosen to participate is a reward for each of these students, who have worked in service to their community."

The annual charity event has definitely grown over the past eight years. It started by serving 75 children with $2,000 to serving 150 kids with $30,000 this year. It is fun and a positive experience for not just the kids but the officers involved as well, Portland Police Officer Doris Paisley states, "This is really fun, and more than that, I like the positive interaction we get to have with all these great kids."

Commander Bill Walker reiterates the positive effect the event has, "It gives these kids a positive memory of citizens interacting with police. This event can be a very different environment than which they normally see police officers." It is very gratifying when a student remembers him from an event like this, "that's better than any other accolade that you could get as a police officer."

Here's to you Portland Police Officers for helping these worthy kids enjoy the start of another school year and for helping them realize that working in their community is a cool act-stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

"Shop With a Cop" charity events are held in many cities throughout the U.S.-if you would like to donate please contact your local police department, some of these events are held in December also.

What do you think of the "Shop With a Cop" charity event and how it helps children start their school year?

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