Monday, February 11, 2013

a COOL week

February 11th through February 17th marks Random Acts of Kindness week. What a great week to get out, meet people, get out of the winter funk, and most importantly brighten someone's day with the smallest or biggest random act of kindness. If you need ideas visit the Random Act of Kindness Foundation's website The Foundation "is an internationally recognized non-profit organization founded upon the powerful belief in kindness and dedicated to providing resources and tools that encourage acts of kindness." On their site you can take a few minutes to read random acts of kindness stories or share your own. You can also read below and see some of the ideas the Foundation has for each day of the week. Here's to all of you that perform Rand Acts of Kindness this week and so on-stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL! Monday, Feb 11—Smile at 10 strangers. Tuesday, Feb 12—Buy something for the person in the line behind you. Wednesday, Feb 13—Reach out to someone you haven't talked to in a while. Thursday, Feb 14—Bring a treat to a neighbor or your co-workers. Friday, Feb 15—Donate your time or money to a local charity. Saturday, Feb 16—Cook a healthy meal. Sunday, Feb 17—Let someone go in front of you in line. What does kindness mean to you? Tell of a time when you performed or received a random act of kindness.