Monday, January 23, 2012

a COOL valentine

For this Valentine's Day, a request has gone out to Colorado residents to make or buy a card for veterans at the veteran's hospital or living in the Colorado State Veteran's Nursing Home. Colorado resident, Sean Tompkins states, "This is such a great idea. I am a veteran and fortunately I am healthy. But I can imagine the cheer a card would bring me if I was in the VA hospital or nursing home."

Rick Krandall, radio personality for KEZW, is helping to promote the idea locally, "This program is more than 30 years old. It was started by newspaper columnist Ann Landers in response to a request from the head of the Veteran's Administration to have people send Valentine's cards to veterans in recognition of National Hospitalized Veteran's Week." Krandall also informs that the program was continued by several individuals after Mrs. Landers passed away and the station has been promoting it for the past 10 years.

With the support of school classes, churches, organizations such as the Greater Englewood Chamber of Commerce, and individuals either making or buying cards they had about 10,000 cards donated last year. They are looking to exceed that number this year. Veterans who are in-patients receive their card on their meal tray and veterans receiving out-patient care are handed theirs. Veterans in the nursing home also receive a card.

Here's to all those who make a veteran's day by donating a Valentine's Day card-stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

What do you think of this program to send veterans in the hospital or nursing home a Valentine's Day card?

Monday, January 16, 2012

COOL pajamas

The Pajama Program is a none profit organization that provides new pajamas and books to needy children in the United states and around the world. Many of these children are waiting to be adopted and have never had a mother or father read them a bedtime story. To date they have given over 1,000,000 new pajamas and books to children in need.

Many of the children served through this program have grown up in orphanages, group homes or shelters. Also, many are shuffled between these facilities with never having a home to call their own.

Genevieve Piturro, Found and Executive Director, states, "So many children are without warm bedtime clothing and education so we developed a creative program to provide some of both. We intend to make a difference-giving back is what it's all about."

Here's to Genevieve and the volunteers at Pajama Program for making a child's bedtime more comforting-stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!

The Pajama Program depends of volunteers, sponsors, and donation. If you would like to know more:

What do you think of the Pajama Program and how it affects children?

Monday, January 9, 2012

to a COOL new year

Well, here we are again, in the beginning of a new year which hopefully will bring new beginnings and new possibilities. The cool thing about new beginnings is that we get a chance to get things right this time around. The cool thing about new possibilities is that we might not be real sure what they are until they are upon us. The key is to take advantage of the new beginnings and possibilities before that new year attitude becomes an after thought.

Here's hoping your new beginnings bring about new results and that your new possibilities allow you to fulfill your potential.

Here's hoping your new beginnings heal old wounds and that your new possibilities allow you to meet people who will support you through your endeavours.

Here's hoping your new beginnings keep you motivated throughout the year and that your new possibilities bring you wealth far beyond the meaning of money.

Here's hoping your new beginnings keep you young at heart and that your new possibilities help you to embrace the uncertainties that life throws at you.

Here's hoping your new beginnings create fond memories and that your new possibilities guide you to the happiness you deserve.

Here's hoping your new beginnings and new possibilities bring cool things and cool people into your life throughout the entire year!

Here's to you...stay positive, stay generous, and STAY COOL!